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This check performs queries on HTTP endpoints, and HTTP Namespaces to monitor their activity.

kind: Canary
  name: http-check
  interval: 30
    - endpoint:
      thresholdMillis: 3000
      responseCodes: [201, 200, 301]
      responseContent: ""
      maxSSLExpiry: 7
    - endpoint:
      thresholdMillis: 3000
      responseCodes: [404]
      responseContent: ""
      maxSSLExpiry: 7
    - endpoint:
      thresholdMillis: 3000
      responseCodes: [500]
      responseContent: ""
      maxSSLExpiry: 7     
Field Description Scheme Required
authentication Credentials for authentication headers Authentication
body Request Body Contents string
description Description for the check string
display template to display server response in text (overrides default bar format for UI) Template
endpoint HTTP endpoint to check. Mutually exclusive with Namespace string Yes
headers Header fields to be used in the query kommons.EnvVar
icon Icon for overwriting default icon on the dashboard string
maxSSLExpiry Maximum number of days until the SSL Certificate expires. int
method Method to use - defaults to GET string
name Name of the check string
namespace Namespace to crawl for TLS endpoints. Mutually exclusive with Endpoint string
ntlm NTLM when set to true will do authentication using NTLM v1 protocol bool
ntlmv2 NTLM when set to true will do authentication using NTLM v2 protocol bool
responseCodes Expected response codes for the HTTP Request. int
responseContent Exact response content expected to be returned by the endpoint. string
responseJSONContent Path and value to of expect JSON response by the endpoint JSONCheck
test Template to test the result agains Template
thresholdMillis Maximum duration in milliseconds for the HTTP request. It will fail the check if it takes longer. int

Scheme Reference


Field Description Scheme Required
password Set password for authentication using string, configMapKeyRef, or SecretKeyRef. kommons.EnvVar Yes
username Set username for authentication using string, configMapKeyRef, or SecretKeyRef. kommons.EnvVar Yes


Field Description Scheme Required
path Path to JSON response string
value Value for JSON response string


Field Description Scheme Required
jsonPath Specify path to JSON element for use in template string
template Specify Go template for use string
expr Specify expression for use in template string
javascript Specify javascript syntax for template string